Both part time jobs and student jobs fall under a similar category.

The pressing need to make extra money at fairly short notice is exactly what students and part time employment seekers are looking for.

I am very experienced personally at the art of short term employment as I have a Lot of experience with the craft markets and Flea markets.

part time jobsBoth of these are closely related to hawking and commission only sales positions, so I can say with a lot of confidence that after all these years of trying a lot of different types of part time jobs I can advise you with confidence.

A long time ago, I decided that to have two different sources of income was a good idea, and I have spent a large part of my life with “two jobs”. Now I have not really seen it as that, I always see it as have income insurance, as I sometimes had businesses that were extremely busy at times and then extremely quiet at other times.

Now to get back to what you have arrived here in search of, I feel that while I could list a series of part time student jobs and work from home jobs, like flea market work, crafting, doing demonstrations, selling on commission and a list of similar types of jobs, I feel that I would be better off telling you how to make any or all of those different opportunities work 100 times better by doing one simple thing.

Building a website that really knows how to attract buyers, and therefore no matter what product or service you offer, you will be guaranteed clients and buyers – simply because your website is number one on 200 different buyer keywords for your service or product.

I am not kidding at all about how powerful the source of cash can be when you know the secrets of how to get a website business onto the first page of all the important and different buyer keywords for your chosen niche, service or product.

Any Work from home business or student job or service will thrive and be certain of success every time you apply this knowledge.

I can teach you how to, or build you a website, and then train you on the upkeep, for a website that will totally destroy all your opposition.

I know it is and almost always will be a matter of available money

I get that you would not be looking for money as a part time income idea if you had a lot of cash in your bank account.

I realise that I am also totally biased towards to website method of making money. I am so convinced that I bet my future on it 3 and a half years ago.

Now back to your money position.

I am going to make you an offer here that might not always be available. I will build you one of those “business websites” where you pay me with a barter.

Your time, typing skills for my time and typing skills. So what I am telling you is that if you feel that the online ideas that are all over this website seem like the perfect idea, then I will allow you to type up (original) pages of content for me, and in exchange I will set up your website.

Raising your start-up cash this way is called Bootstrapping

What you are doing when you do bootstrapping is that you are raising capital from one method to reapply that cash into another fund raising method and then you grow your business that way.

After a period of time you main business is doing enough cash-flow to survive on its own.

OK, enough chatter, I did three videos that relate to student part time jobs or work from home ideas and I will put the links here below for you.

The first video is a place where you can start to earn cash today writing content for people.

The link is here -  Student Jobs

The second video is another website online that pays you for your skills. In fact the prices are better for the articles, but you will see there is a slightly different method to get the work.

The link to that video is here  – Part time jobs for students

The third video is more towards to methods that I believe are the best options.

That link is here – Work from home jobs

If you found my information of value please share the page with your friends using the buttons here below – I will really appreciate that.

Well I would like to thank you for reading all this way down my page and hope that you find your part time job, student job or work from home position and are happy.