Micro business or small business?
Small Business need only get a tiny helping hand for it to create jobs for a number of individuals.
I live in South Africa and am continually horrified by the powers that be thinking that small business is in fact a business that employees 100 or 200 people. Now while this is true, the real small businesses that are seen as micro businesses are the backbone of the entire country.
Time and again I see a hawker, or guy who does little wire cars – doing their best to produce enough money to eat every day. If support were given to those guys we would start to see some real growth of businesses all across the world.
I teach flea market guys different ways to help promote their items, but if they continually have to eat their growth money they will never get the opportunities to become a stable small business.
Small business opportunities in South Africa and all across the world needs backup for then to succeed.
Perhaps in the meanwhile we can get together and offer all the support that is possible from our side.
Thanks Guys
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