Making money from home

How to make money fast

Make fast Money from your web based business online

If you want to know how to make money fast online then apply these steps to get instant exposure online

how to make money fast

Before I go on and tell you a few more ways that you can try to start to make money fast online, let me just tell you about the report that I have written.

I have written a report that you can apply to almost any small business or business idea that you have and if you do the method all the way – you can reap almost instant results. This report is based upon the assumption that you already have a business or at the very least a business idea, and building the website is not an issue here. It will work best if you already have a website, but you could do it with a free blog or even send business direct to your telephone number or an affiliate product or CPA offer.

This is simply a step by step explanation of how to apply a system that uses a combination of keyword research and couples that with online classified websites and online directories, to gain a very large footprint online almost instantly. This will get your product or service a lot of instant exposure online in a short space of time.

I am not going to go into great detail here on how and why it works, but simply to say that this method of applying “lead valves” to your online business will get you a lot more exposure by having a massive keyword based links online and get your keywords that relate to your business noticed a lot more in the search engine results pages.

Bold statement here – I am certain that if you couple the methods I show you in this report with the options that I list below they will get you business.

Whichever of the options that I tell you below to try, coupled with a free IBlog or Blogger website, and regular posts and content added often – in the beginning, and all referred by your keyword linked classified adverts and directory placements will get you noticed online.

The most Important part of this would be for you to keep the free blog to ONE keyword or niche. So you would decide to be an article writer, you would then call your free blog, articles here or some keyword that is available. Make all your posts and pages relate to that keyword or set of keywords, in this case article writing services, and you will get inquiries.

I know that there are Beginners online reading this post…

I know that for a lot of people the need to know how to make money fast is absolutely vital, and sadly very often you only start to look for solutions here online once you are already deep in trouble.

I will try to make allowances here in this post to keep referring to the fact that I am aware that you have a desperate need, and the very last thing you need for anyone – including me – is some bad advice that will not work for you and waste a few days or worse, weeks, before you give up.

I promise you that if you apply what I tell you here correctly and do all the steps correctly, you will make money. The real question is HOW MUCH money will you make, and the truth is that it will differ wildly from method to method.

I have revised this “how to make money fast” post for a number of reasons

Firstly I have has such a big reaction to the facts and details that I have been able to share with you here, that I realised that I need to come back here and do a lot more for you by supplying you with a ton of details here for free on this post.

This is also going to be a very long post, so I hope to keep your attention until the end.

I wish you all the best of luck with how you apply what I am able to tell you here.

Firstly before I get into a lot of making money methods – I want to give you a brief outline on what you need to know

I am allowing that a lot of you that are reading this post could be very new to doing anything online, and that is a serious problem. Yes I know, sounds scary, but the actual problem is that I will be talking “computer” and online marketing speak here and could lose you very fast, because I seem to be presuming that you know the basics.

Before I even list the different options that are available to you to make fast money you need to know these facts

  • You must choose only one of these options and stick to that idea.
  • Your chosen niche – or chosen option – will still need careful keyword research
  • You should choose a niche that is in demand ( naturally if you are doing article writing – then it is a little different)
  • You could choose to just contact website owners directly and tell them what your skills are and get business that way
  • You could get a free blog, and use keyword based posts and pages that make it clear as to what you offer
  • You will need to work with a list of about 50 of the strongest keywords
  • You must work constantly full time if possible, and if not then you are going to need to burn a lot of midnight oil!
  • It is unlikely that only two days full time work will get you instant results, but the longer you apply the keyword based posts, pages, articles, classified postings, directory listings, YouTube videos and other things like doing slide-share – the faster your keywords and properties online will get noticed by the search engines and you will start to make money
  • You should add everything that you do online to your social websites to gain links, and gain recognition by the search engines, plus as a bonus, you could get direct business from your social marketing

Right – Finally – The options that you can try to make fast money

So now we get to some options that you can look into as possible ways to get almost instant money online.
You will need to carefully consider if you are capable of doing these items, as your best option would be to start with one that you can supply to clients in a professional manner.
I am not going to be able to write out a step by step method for you here for all of these options, so if you feel that those have potential, you will need to do more research into that option.
However if I receive enough comments below this post asking for specific details on one or other of the options, then at some point I will go and write out a more detailed page for you on that specific topic. Just post your comments below.
Option One – Article writing
  • This is probably the easiest way for anyone to start to use to make money within days online.
  • There are places where you can go to and join where they will pay you an average of $5 per 350 to 500 word articles that you write.
  • As long as your articles are clear, and written in clear and correct English and done in a well written and interesting way, you will do well
  • Once you are into the routine, you can write as many as 4 articles an hour, and as long as you do not burn out, you will get a nice steady stream of money coming in.
  • Later you can set up your own website and start to get an average of $20 per article and eventually as high as $200 if you are a master at article writing.
  • It can seem daunting in the beginning, but the more you write the easier it will become
Option Two – Graphics
  • You will need to have some skills for this option
  • It is an option that allows you to offer your skills directly to website owners via email.
  • You should stick to only one section, E.G headers, or mini-sites or banners when you start
  • You will need to have a quality software program to do this work
Option Three – VA – Virtual Assistant
  • As a VA you will be offering website owners the following services
  • Article writing, post writing, Press release writing and other things like writing reviews
  • Video production and slide share production
  • Back link building – in all its forms
  • Social marketing, like the maintenance of their Facebook fan-page
  • other services that are need in the daily running of a website
Option Four – CPA (cost per action)
  • This will require that you have a fair amount of skills at getting around the Internet already
  • You join a good CPA network, and choose a niche to promote.
  • You use social marketing and other methods to constantly get those CPA offers noticed by thousands of eyes online everyday
  • Having a website for this method is preferable.
There are other methods that could be used to make fairly quick money, and these include you offering a lot of the services listed above to offline businesses that need to know how to do business online, however that would need you to have a quality website and be experienced at all the Internet marketing methods to be able to be professional.
Lastly – I need to repeat that whichever method that you choose to apply to make fast money online, the report that I mentioned earlier will be a great way to get you an instant boost to whatever product or service you are offering as a money making idea. See the link at the bottom of this post.
I would like to add another final comment.
Social sharing online is becoming the most important way that websites, posts and properties online are used to get a website ranked and noticed online, so I ask you to please use the buttons below this post to share my efforts here on your Facebook profile and/ or your other social places like Twitter. I will be very grateful for your input. Naturally I am also telling you that whatever you do online – you really need to share it all the time!!!


To get a copy of the report mentioned at the top of this post – go to this page – how to make money fast


If I have not covered something that you need to know here in this post you are welcome to email me and ask. You must contact me via this page

That is it, I thank you for reading this page and hope that you have gained some insight on how to make money fast!

If you want to buy a business then you must read these tips.

start a small businessWhile I prefer to teach you to start up a business from scratch – I have written a page that has some serious tips that you must go through carefully before you make the decision to buy a business.

No matter what size business you are looking for when you go hunting for a small business to buy – there are basic issues that need careful consideration before you sign any legal documents.

Any sized financial investment in a new business venture can become a loss of income if a few simple steps are not followed, and I suggest that you go over and read all my tips on that page.

Click here or on the image to get to the small business for sale gauteng page


Small Business ideas – Flea market ideas

Is a great Flea market idea really a good small business idea?

flea market reportGetting the urge to start a flea market business seems like a good idea, but you need to do some careful research before you rush out and buy a whole lot of sunglasses to sell at your local market.

I have a lot of flea market experience and have even written a how-to-report that shows you the best ways to get a flea market idea up and running. I now do a lot of training for small businesses and have a course that covers all the different ways that you could start a small flea market business.

However it pays that you look into the basics of the idea long before you buy a course from them and then do days of research finding out that you could have gone in a completely different direction – as far as you small business ideas go.

I have some basic reports, and more and have just completed a page here on this website that will give you a better idea about your flea market ideas.

I encourage you to read that page – Go here – Small business ideas – Flea market ideas

Micro business or small business?

Small Business need only get a tiny helping hand for it to create jobs for a number of individuals.

micro business opportunities

I live in South Africa and am continually horrified by the powers that be thinking that small business is in fact a business that employees 100 or 200 people. Now while this is true, the real small businesses that are seen as micro businesses are the backbone of the entire country.

Time and again I see a hawker, or guy who does little wire cars – doing their best to produce enough money to eat every day. If support were given to those guys we would start to see some real growth of businesses all across the world.

I teach flea market guys different ways to help promote their items, but if they continually have to eat their growth money they will never get the opportunities to become a stable small business.

Small business opportunities in South Africa and all across the world needs backup for then to succeed.

Perhaps in the meanwhile we can get together and offer all the support that is possible from our side.

Thanks Guys

Keyword Search Tool

use keyword search toolI Needed to make a video that allowed me to show small businesses that are already established in South Africa how to use the keyword search tool.

The idea was to take this keyword search tool and apply it in a simple manner that will allow a small business to get new targeted traffic.

What I did was to demonstrate to the awning industry how to get very low competition keywords that still receive targeted traffic. The fact that you will be targeting traffic sources that are less than 100 actual searches a month is not really a problem, as you would then be able to do this to a lot more keywords as they will get you to page one in a fast manner, and that way you could target more and more. Eventually you will have reached a position where you will have a lot of traffic and therefore be making money.

I guess the easiest way is for you to go and watch the video that I made. I have placed the video on this page - Keyword search tool

Google keyword research

I set out to target this keyword today – “Google keyword research” and I did it for a very good reason.

doing google ketword researchYou will find that certain keywords that get low searches like “Google keyword research” can sometimes also have very low competing pages.

Now that is a great reason to make the effort to target that keyword term, as you know that for very little effort you will get very targeted visitors coming to your website (even if only at a trickle rate) for a long time.

Because you made the effort to do the correct tags, links, keywords etc for a page that has very low competing pages you will be almost certainly guaranteed all the visitors.

I purposely chose to add a video in this little ranking effort for one very good reason, and that is while I have been specifically targeting only South African businesses, the international searches for that specific keyword is quite a lot higher. Now as you all know the video will stand a very high chance of featuring on the first page results and get me even more targeted visitors.

I have added all the details and the video itself onto a page here on my website, and would love it if you went and had a look and a listen to what I have to show you.

I have a very bad head cold today so you could get a bit of a chuckle from my voice in the video.

So – if you were looking for details on Google keyword research information go here

You could also click on the image above.

Thanks guys – take care out there!

Small Business – Using long tailed keywords

I have been experimenting with using long tailed keywords for getting small business ideas and opportunities properly promoted online.

get your website found onlineThere is a carefully planned out system that can (and should) be used to get the pages and posts that you have researched and written to be seen easily and become more visible online.

This is not some sort of weird tricky system that is fake or false in any way, but it does use the power of the different marketing systems that are set up online exactly for the purpose of promoting your work.
Why not take advantage of the social bookmarking system to get the maximum exposure out of your reports possible?

getting your small business noticed online is really important, more so it is important that you make sure that your products and efforts are noticed by targeted visitors.

It does not help that you go out there and get thousands of visitors to your website and none of them are even remotely interested in what you have to offer.

make very sure that you are using the correct long tailed keywords for you products – that way your visitors will be very happy to find what you have to offer.

My latest product that I have developed is a system that teaches people that want to get a website online that actually gets the correct targeted customers to their websites. Now I go to great lengths to give a very detailed training system. I needed to keep it simple to understand, and at the same time offer a massive amount of information so that I would not have left off anything that this new business owner would have needed to get their website running at the best of its ability.

So – I am using EXACTLY the same techniques and tactics that I teach you in the video training and the PDF reports to get the most visitors possible from your online efforts.

Need to get more details on how to use the keywords, and long tailed keywords and a bunch of other marketing tactics in your online efforts?

Either get onto my Rss/email feed thing, or get a copy of any of the reports that are sprinkled all over my different web properties.

You can see the reports as banner adverts on the side of this website

Do it now – why take a chance on missing out on learning some great small business improving tactics – most of which can easily be applied for free. Just with a little (ha ha – a lot) of work by you!

Small Business ideas – A Jewellery Business

So you want to start a jewellery business?

I am here to show you how easily you can get carefully targeted jewellery customers.

A jewellery Business OnlineHello all, I have been working on and off for two days on some research for a small jewellery business.

With the power of keyword research I decided to make another short video showing you how amazing the keyword tool is, and how targeted the websites can become.

The jewellery business is very competitive, but when I do some deeper digging I found that the websites that are up on page one in the search engine results pages are all badly set up (well not that badly as they are on page one) but they have flaws that can be easily exploited to get your website above theirs.

I have done a page showing all the details here Jewellery business page

If you would like to jump straight to the video that I made – then please go to you tube here and watch my jewellery video.

Sewing Business opportunity

sewing business opportunityDoing local research for a small sewing business made me realize that the potential for a great sewing business was very high when I checked the keywords.

I have done a detailed page relating to this sewing business idea, and I must say that some of the keywords like “sewing patterns” are so easy to rank for on the search engine results pages that I am tempted to start up a sewing business today.

It works this way – you take your sewing business idea and feed your main keyword into the keyword tool, this will tell you exactly what people are actually looking for online every month.

Then you simply go and start up a website that supplies those specific searchers with the product that they are looking for.

The Internet is so brilliant in the way that it sends targeted visitors to the exact website that they are looking for – and all you need to do is show Google what you have on your website.

I have a training product that will show you how to do all of this for yourself – and end up with a great sewing business of your own.

If you prefer I can build the website for you at the cost of $5000 or R35000, so you choose which way is better.

Here is the link to my product Small Business in a Crate

Here is a link to the page that tells you more about it all Small Business – sewing business

Belly Dancing – small business opportunity

belly dancing businessI have just added a page that will give anyone who is looking to own their own belly dancing business a bit of a helping hand.

Any small business opportunity is worth looking into as an online business as you are able to really find out exactly what people are looking for and then target those specific buyers.

I love the idea of pre-knowing what someone will be looking for and having that item sitting and waiting for them when they arrive at your website.

I suggest that if you are even only slightly interested in belly dancing – that you visit the page that I have set up to give you a few more details. Belly dancing details

It is natural for me to then direct you to the training system that I have recently posted for sale online to help people set up a small business online. that page is here. Small Business in a crate

Beware of bright new shiny things

business in a crate

Do not just by stuff – because you get told to!

Hi, I have been working on my website for the last 2 hours fixing something very bad that I did to this website when it was still brand new.

I want to warn you not to be attracted to any new “shiny” products that are being advertised that are supposed to catapult your website into the huge earners zone.

I did just that and bought and installed a clever autoblogging tool that would put articles and posts onto my website daily – without me having to do any work at all.

It seemed like such a good idea at the time, and I liked to idea of not having to spend an hour or two daily working on this website. Now what they promised me, and what I got were two different things naturally. I added close to 700 posts to the website and was still down in position 800 on the search engine results pages.

I did know better, and because of the “cowboy” in me – I cannot help myself sometimes – I still went ahead at the time and did it.

Not the funny part is that I did not really regret doing it, because I have learnt a valuable lesson. I wanted to give you the same lesson without you having to waste 6 months of a websites life to find out that it is a bad idea.

Do it the hard way – and do it right, and you will find yourself in a better financial position much quicker.

If you are ever confronted with some sales page that came into your email, and you are busy seeing “proof” that someone is making truck loads of cash from a-simple-and-easy-to-implement-system, I want you to think about this…

Why would that person try to sell you his clever system for only-$47 when he is supposed to be making so much money with it?

Why does he need your $47?

Why would he create competition with his system?

Why would he risk the system becoming overexposed and being found out by Google?

Yeah why?

So then close that sales page and go back to doing the work the ethical way. Even if it seems like hard work, and very boring.

That’s it – finished lecturing you all for the day,


Free HTML Editor – Komposer

Free html editor

Komposer Training Video series.

I have been going through a lot of trouble recently setting up my Business-in-a-crate product, and in the process have been making a lot of videos that show you how to edit the mini-sites that you get with your purchase.

Now while my training does go over the basics on how to edit your details in your HTML mini-site, I thought that I should go and find a better (well – more detailed :) ) version on how to do all the tasks using Komposer.

I have just put a page up on this site…

GO HERE _ KOMPOSER TRAINING VIDEOS – to see what I have to say about it.

Cake decorating as a paying hobby

cake decorationStarting up a business decorating cakes

I am excited to add another page to this website relating to a great small business opportunity, cake decor.

I wrote out all the details that you need and put them onto a page here on my website for you to go and look into – if you are wanting to start up a small business and like to decorate cakes.

The amount of people that are searching for cake decor related things monthly are very high. On the page that I did I have added a picture of the search numbers that the Google keyword tool shows me.

Quite simply, if you are shopping around for a business idea, and you have a passion for cake decorating then you will be well advised to look into this opportunity a bit deeper.

Please click on the picture to be taken to the page that I detail more fact for you to help make you a business decision.



Small Business opportunities – buying a business

Small Business research – relating to Businesses for sale

I was looking at the businesses for sale and other small business opportunities that are listed online in the businesses for sale directories, and I was amused.

You see – I found almost exactly what I was expecting to find. Small businesses that are listed for sale – are not only expensive – but they are showing very low income levels and profit level in relation to the amount of risk and effort that you should be putting into that business.

small business opportunitiesAll you have to do is read the listing (and I promise that I am not trying to pick on either the business or the website selling the business)

Now this sounds great right? A Shop that is established, in a popular Mall, nice niche – if you like jewelery, and only three problems.


Sure, you would not be getting this business for free right? But it seems that if you wanted you could just go and work for this person for the same R10 000 a month and not have any stress or risk.

Then this is not going to be cheap – I would guess the business is likely to be asking R180 000. Now this is not to bad considering that you could pay it off in two years and then have the asset.

BUT, now consider what I could offer you for R500. OK, for that R500 ($70) you would be doing all the work, BUT if you bought that shop would you not need to do all that work anyway?

My business option lets you work your own hours, and do so from home.

I would even go so far as to say that if you took my R500 business and then did 8 hours a day (just like you would have done in the shop) AND you had done correct research in the beginning on your niche choice, but remember that you get all that training included in the R500 price. So now you have been doing your 8 hours a day for 6 months.

I tell you this for a fact – If your research was good your income per month by then would be somewhere between R15000 and R150 000 a month. To be honest probably around R20 000 at 6 months and expect around R70 000 at a year.

Now you are probably going to start to shake you head and mutter that this has to be a scam – right?

Firstly how could R500 be a very big risk? Secondly I do show you the proof. My proof shows you that there are very many millions of searches a day for specific products online – People searching for a solution to their problems.

It is so very easy to supply them with a solution. Not only that you are able to really know what they are looking for – BECAUSE that is what they actually looked up.

If someone looks up “kidney Diet” are they wanting to hire a jumping castle? Duh, so give them a solution, and give them a cheap, but high quality digital solution, and you will get money easily.

The hard part is top get your website listed onto the first page in the search engine results pages.


So should you go out there and spend R180 000 on a shop that will still have a small risk of failure?

Or do you decide to start up a web based business that is easy to run, will eventually run by itself? After about 8 months you need only an hour a day.

Go and look into what I am talking about

gift business for sale

health business for sale

small business for sale

– in case you have any questions

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