Start your business opportunity today
I get a lot of inquiries for business ideas
The number of people that are constantly on the lookout for a good business idea is astounding, and now that 2012 has begun – I am getting a surge in visitors.
What I have decided to do is to open my niche website building service to a few people that are serious about starting a successful business.
This website has one constant theme, and that is showing people how they can take almost any business ideas and tweak it via quality niche and keyword research and have a profitable business idea.
However 90% of the work to get a website set up, and promoting your business is about learning the skills to get a perfect website set up so that it actually gets those visitors from Google and the other search engines.
I get it.
I am constantly referring all of you – via the banners here – to go and join the places so that you can learn all the skills necessary to be able to complete with the big webmasters from an SEO point of view.
Most of those websites are very badly built, and even those that look fantastic are rubbish.
It works this way -
To be placed in the first position on the Google results pages, you need to build your website in a certain way.
let me compare it to you this way.
those fancy (and expensive) websites that very highly degree’ d people are building for businesses are all the equivalent of an electric car.
they look beautiful, but will lose a race to another petrol driven racing car every time.
So, do you want an “electric car” website?
Or do you want on that wins every time?
I know how, and yesterday, I added a massive banner to this website, and wrote up a page where I will allow 4 people to order complete website packages from me a month.
These websites will be for products that are digital, are in massive demand, and the website will be built correctly and even have the content and social stuff all built it.
You will be getting a race ready racing car – for the price of some mag wheels for your car.
OK, or for the price of big weekend away for 4 people.
A whole business for that price?
Go here to see what I offer – buy a business today – thanks – or just click on the massive banner on the home page.
Please share this with others that you might know about who are looking for a new business in 2012.
Tagged with: at home business ideas • business ideas for 2011 • business-ideas • green business ideas • home based business ideas • home business ideas • online business ideas • small business ideas for 2010 • start up business ideas • successful business ideas
Filed under: business ideas
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